Pascale Criton
Plis pour guitare
pour trio à cordes (2019)
Saturday 8 July, 2023
See day program >
Pascale Criton, born in Paris, studied composition with Ivan Wyschnegradsky, Gérard Grisey, and Jean-Etienne Marie. She underwent training in electroacoustic music at CIRM – International Centre for Musical Research in Nice, completed the musical computing course for composers at IRCAM in Paris, and holds a doctorate in music and musicology of the 20th century. In her music, she explores the fine details of sonic variation; a specialist in microtonality, she uses specific tunings and computer programs to bring subtle acoustic effects and spatial listening into focus. Her music has been performed at renowned international festivals such as documenta 14 in Kassel and Frequency Festival in Chicago. She has worked closely with music research studios such as INA’s Groupe de Recherches Musicales in Paris and GMEM in Marseille. Her CD »Infra« (2017) was awarded the Charles Cros Prize.