
Heroines of Sound Festival presents early and current heroines of electronic sound exploring uncharted musical territory and making important contributions to current aesthetic discourses. Feminist, diverse, and interdisciplinary, the festival supports the presence of women and non-binary – FLINTA* in the art and music worlds and makes the connections between different genres tangible. Heroines of Sound has set itself the task of (re)discovering  FLINTA* protagonists in music and increasing the public presence of their music. Inquisitive, feminist, and controversial: all different and all equal, whether non-binary, female, or queer.

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Heroines of Sound
Edition #2  

21. – 22. September 2024 | @ lokal harmonie  | Duisburg

21. September  7. – 9. pm

Maryanne Amacher   
IMAfiction Portrait #06  (2013

Elisabeth Schimana  
IMAfiction Portrait #10  (2018)

by IMA Institut für Medienarchäologie (AT) 

22. September 4. – 8. pm
Sabine Ercklentz / Elisabeth Schimana / Ute Wassermann

Sabine Ercklentz 
trumpet, electronics 

Ute Wassermann Chimeric 
Solo for voice + bird whistles, objects, Microphone, hydrophone 

Elisabeth Schimana – Monolith ( 2019) 
Live- electronic, 4-channel with central monotower